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  1. Detail
  2. Related (genomineerd ArtOlive Kunstprijs 2000)
  3. Koeien 2000
  4. Real Manipulated Pig
  5. Lieke's Carrousel
  6. Joker
  7. Pauze
  8. Op weg
  9. Tulpen
  10. Onze groep
  11. Betrapt
  12. Ice-bound (genomineerd ArtOlive Kunstprijs 2000)
  13. Skyscraper
  14. architectuur & architectuur van de natuur
  15. Girlpower
  16. Built to race
  17. Banging the drums
  18. Contest
  19. Joy
  20. Design for the speedway
  21. CD-1
  22. CD-2
  23. Violin concerto
  24. Unite
  25. Performance
  26. Pulse
  27. Ritmische figuren
  28. Growth-1
  29. Fill Patterns
  30. Back beat
  31. Reflect
  32. Alternative
  33. Prohibitive
  34. Miraculous
  35. Spring dance-1
  36. romancing the bone
  37. twiggy
  38. Desire
  39. Duel
  40. mr.Guttierez 1
  41. panscape1
  42. panscape2
  43. orchid
  44. Bliss
  45. Classic
  46. Anima Mundi  ( Kosmos )
  47. Anima Mundi  ( Wasser )
  48. torso
  49. complementair
  50. tulp