
memory series 1

Carina Claassens / memory series 1

Memory Series I tried to shut them away Still they surface unexpectedly Cringing my heart …’’Memories are best forgotten”… NO! Acknowledge them accept them for what they are The hand, big , rough, gentle hand of a long lost lover stroking my face Soft sent that sucks me back to remembering a laugh, a joke OUMA Grandma Oumie Clasie My Ouma is in kaneel Nostalgia To forget is my worst fear now… Tying them down as not to escape into oblivion No, stay with me Ashamed, alarmed, go going gone Is it that I have done? Tie it down Tie it tight Bind it down do not escape from me Ever Stay! stay! stay! Do not forsake me That I may not forget who I am Formed, forged…Tie it down Bonding intertwined… Pushed Squashed Forced Do not forget me Do not forsake me But except me Yes!!! A undeniable part… Lost little ones, loved even before they were born … Sins of my forefathers…the ring slipping over my finger Excluding Recognizing Accepting
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