Paul van Katwijk (1980)

Paul van Katwijk was born in 1980, Schiedam, Holland and lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. Within his work he investigates fragments encountered in his internal and external worlds. Within each day we meet differing stimuli that construct our over-arching environments and ourselves. Through abstract paintings these impressions are investigated. Combining these different snap shots and translating them through an abstract language presents a painted theory of forms, a reflection of van Katwijk's thoughts on the society he lives in.

  1. Untitled (brick)
  2. floor
  3. Trolley
  4. Untitled
  5. Versus
  6. Floorwindow
  7. Untitled(dirty)
  8. Untitled(cV1)
  9. Untitled(cV2)
  10. Untitled(cV3)
  11. Untitled(cV4)
  12. Untitled(cross0.1)

Curriculum vitae Paul van Katwijk

Paul van Katwijk
1980, Schiedam
periode type institution richting diploma
2007 - 2011 kunstacademie Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (HKU), Utrecht Painting ja