Jonna Balk (1984)

Jonna Balk (1984)

Jonna Balk graduated in Fine Art in Education at the HKU in 2011. Human heaviness is an important theme in her work: what is rooted, isolated, and carried around. She reveals it and immortalizes it.
Jonna finds inspiration in the human psyche and physique, which leads directly to portraits. A common denominator is found between these portraits and her drawings of deteriorated spaces. The drawings are made on weathered paper, fused with weathered wood, lead, and iron. The handwriting gives the objects a layeredness which reveals a personal view and gives them significance and authenticity.

  1. Untitled
  2. Untitled
  3. Untitled
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled
  6. Untitled
  7. Woman's leg
  8. Untitled

Curriculum vitae Jonna Balk

Jonna Balk
1984, Rotterdam
periode type institution richting diploma
2007 - 2011 kunstacademie Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (HKU), Utrecht Fine Art ja
periode naam plaats solo/group omschrijving
2012 Q-Kunst, Rabobank Utrecht groeps Q-Kunst
2012 STA-ART Alphen a/d Rijn groeps 'Geslaagde Kunst'
2011 Galerie Gist Amsterdam duo 'Zoom"
2011 Sanquin, Galerie Joghem Amsterdam solo Solo expositie
2011 Kunstuitleen Utrecht Utrecht groeps 'Utrechtse Nieuwe'
2011 HKU Utrecht groeps HKU Graduation show 2011
Aankopen en opdrachten
periode naam plaats aankoop/opdracht type
2011 Sanguin, galerie Joghem Amsterdam aankoop galerie