Lei - Ming

Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag

Content of my work:

The board game "Go" is an important theme of my work.It is not only my favorite board game but its long history, and also the combination of Eastern- and Western culture is my motivation to make art. The constrasts (white- and black stone; horizontal- and vertical line on the board; open- and closed piece during the play. etc) of "Go" inspire me, the balance between the contrasts that I try to create a specific atmosphere in my work, it reminds me of quiet, concentration, and equilibruim etc. Thus the illusion of space plays a big role in my work.

I choose the square as the image form, because the form of the grid on the Go-board and the Chinese character looks square. I use square as writing Chinese calligraphy, and translate in my own image language in a visual way.

  1. untitled
  2. untitled
  3. untitled
  4. untitled
  5. untitled

Curriculum vitae Lei - Ming

Lei - Ming
periode type institution richting diploma
1999 - 2003 kunstacademie Koninklijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten (KABK), Den Haag beeldende kunst ja
periode naam plaats solo/group omschrijving
24 /10 /03 - 4 /12 /03 Shell Young Art Award 2003 Het hoofdkantoor van Shell groeps
19.9. - 10.10.2003 De keuze van Rudi Fuchs De Koninklijk Galerie van KABK groeps
14-20 juni 2003 Eindexamenexpositie KABK, Den Haag groeps
Februari 2002 Litho's Tandartsen prakijk, Den Haag solo
16-31 december 2000 Expositie Koningkerk Kerst 2000 Voorburg groeps
Aankopen en opdrachten
periode naam plaats aankoop/opdracht type
Juli 2003 Allen & Overy Amsterdam aankoop bedrijf
Maart 2002 H Toes Zoetermeer aankoop particulier
Maart 2002 B Moot Den Haag aankoop particulier
2001 C Tang Den Haag opdracht particulier